Water | WEST EJC


Drought Contingency Online Training Presentation

Resource Source/Organization
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

A comprehensive guide on developing effective strategies for managing water resources during drought conditions. It provides a detailed framework for creating contingency plans that communities can implement to mitigate the impacts of water shortages. Key topics include assessing water supply vulnerabilities, establishing trigger points for action, and outlining response measures to preserve water availability. Additionally, it covers public communication strategies and coordination with local and state authorities to ensure a timely and efficient response during periods of drought. The guide aims to help water utilities and stakeholders enhance their preparedness and resilience.

Resource Attachments

Water & Sustainability Resources

Resource Source/Organization
Water Resources Research Center
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

List of different Water and Sustainability Resources

Environment and Health Resources

Resource Source/Organization
Water Resources Research Center
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

List of Arizona Water Factsheets listed by county

Arizona Water Atlas

Resource Source/Organization
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

Volume 8, the Active Management Area (AMA) Planning Area, is the eighth in a series of nine volumes that comprise the Arizona Water Atlas. The primary objectives in assembling the Atlas are to present an overview of water supply and demand conditions in Arizona, to provide water resource information for planning and resource development purposes and help to identify the needs of communities.

eHydrology Library

Resource Source/Organization
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

The ADWR eHydrology Library has information on the groundwater basins. This can be helpful if you are looking for additional information about an area or specific groundwater basin.

Overview Of Groundwater Levels In Arizona's Basins & Sub-Basins

Resource Source/Organization
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

The Depth-To-Water (DTW) dashboard is designed to give an overview of groundwater levels in AZ's basins and sub-basins, providing summary statistics. The first page reflects discrete water level well measurements, the second page is automated water level measurements from well sites equipped with automated devices, and the final page contains references and additional information. Both data pages can be filtered based on Measurement Source, Date, Remark, and Method. The data shown has been verified against the Groundwater Site Inventory (GWSI) database (GWSI Web), and reviewed within the Field Services Section per industry data collection protocols and standards, GWSI Handbook and Field Services Section Manual).

ADWR Groundwater Modeling Section

Resource Source/Organization
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Resource Category
Environment and Health Resources
Resource Tags
Resource Description

Groundwater flow modeling is a tool that can be used to simulate the past, present and future impacts of water use on aquifers. Groundwater modeling has become an important tool in the management of Arizona’s water supplies, particularly in meeting the 1980 Groundwater Management Act’s goal of achieving Safe Yield in Active Management Areas (AMAs). Groundwater modeling allows water resource planners to make long-term management decisions based on the potential impacts of future water uses on the state’s groundwater resources.