The WEST Environmental Justice Center is one of 17 centers in the EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) Program and was established to serve EPA’s Region 9. The Center is powered by a collaborative coalition of academic and community-based partners with extensive networks with state and local government agencies, Tribal nations, Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), state offices of rural health, primary care associations, and other community-based organizations across the region.

Hawai‘i Public Health Institute (HIPHI)

Makamae Namahoe

Gendalin Amram
Indigenous Resilience Center
Larson Institute for Health Impact and Equity

Gerold Dermid
Director, Larson Institute

Kelly Morning
Assistant Director, Larson Institute
Participatory Evaluation Institute

Maia Ingram

Katy Ortiz y Pino
Public Health Institute

Karya Lustig

Carmen Nevarez
Sonora Environmental Research Institute
Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC)

Sofia Forier-Montes
USC – Environmental Justice Research Lab

Jill Johnston
Director of Community Engagement, Environmental Justice Research Lab

Elizabeth Kamai
Environmental Epidemiologist, Environmental Justice Research Lab