Opportunities for Funding
The Wood Innovation Grants Program, launched in 2015, stimulates, expands, and supports U.S. wood products markets and wood energy markets to support the long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands. National focus areas include mass timber, renewable wood energy, and technological development that supports hazardous fuel reduction and sustainable forest management. The deadline to apply for financial assistance is 5:00 pm local time on December 11, 2024. Contact Collin Buntrock collin.buntrock@usda.gov for more information.
The USDA Forest Service requests proposals to substantially expand and accelerate wood energy and wood products markets throughout the United States to support forest management needs on National Forest System and other forest lands. The grants and agreements awarded under this announcement will support the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 Pub. L. 115-334 Sec. 8643, Rural Revitalization Technologies 7 U.S.C. Sec. 6601, and Inflation Reduction Act Pub. L. 117-169 SEC. 23002 to meet the nationwide challenge of disposing of hazardous fuels and other wood residues from the National Forest System and other U.S. forest lands in a manner that supports wood products and wood energy markets.
This Request for Proposals focuses on the following priorities to:
• Reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest health on National Forest System and other forestlands.
• Reduce costs of forest management on all land types.
• Promote economic and environmental health of communities.
The intent of the Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity is to stimulate, expand, and support wood products markets and wood energy markets.
Projects can include, but are not limited to:
1. Completing requirements, such as engineering designs, cost analyses, and permitting necessary, in the later stages of commercial construction projects that use wood as a primary building material and in the later stages of wood energy project development to secure financing. Early phase project development proposals will not be competitive.
2. Developing manufacturing capacity, other necessary wood products infrastructure, and markets for wood products that support forest ecosystem restoration.
3. Showcasing quantifiable environmental and economic benefits of using wood as a sustainable building material in an actual commercial building and the projected benefits achieved if replicated across the United States based on commercial construction market trends.
4. Establishing statewide wood utilization teams and statewide wood energy teams. Only proposals from States without an existing (or former) team will be considered.
5. Developing a cluster of wood energy projects in a geographic area or specific sector (e.g., prisons, hospitals, universities, manufacturing sector, or industrial sector).
6. Overcoming market barriers and stimulating expansion of wood energy in the commercial sector.
A pre-recorded webcast that presents information on applying for this funding opportunity can be found at https://usda-fs.wistia.com/medias/teyfi90zhw
Additional details on the funding opportunity can be found at Wood Innovations Home page
Instructions on how to apply for funding and the official application can be downloaded at the following weblinks.
Instructions FY25 Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity
Application Form (FS-1500-050) FY25 Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity
Contact Collin Buntrock collin.buntrock@usda.gov for more information.
Hispanic Access Foundation is committed to working in partnership to increase equitable access to urban tree canopy while stimulating community engagement and decision-making in local urban forestry and ultimately heightening our resilience to and mitigating climate change.
Through funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (Funding Opportunity #: USDA-FS-2023-UCF-IRA-01) the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) is making historic investments in boosting the nation’s tree cover in urban, suburban and rural communities nationwide. We are honored to partner with the USFS to become a national pass-through partner for the “Nuestros Bosques IRA Initiative” promoting Justice40, Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan, State Forest Action Plans, congressional, and America the Beautiful priorities. In alignment with the Forest Service and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), 80 percent of the funding will flow directly to disadvantaged communities.
Urban canopy provides enormous benefits, from reducing the urban heat island effect and lowering energy bills, to absorbing carbon dioxide and pollutants, resulting in shortening hospital stays, decreasing asthma rates in surrounding neighborhoods, and lowering stress, noise, and damage from wind and water. Planting trees along streets and in parks to increase the urban tree canopy can remove millions of tons of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere, helping to improve our climate.
Objectives of Project SCALES
Applicants should propose innovative and collaborative approaches that reimagine the school food system and that could be sustained and scaled elsewhere. We encourage applicants to think creatively about transformational partnerships and projects, particularly those that bring new industry into the school food supply chain.
We invite applicants to submit a proposal for grant funding to support projects that show clear potential for achieving one or more of these goals:
improving the K-12 school food supply chain by incentivizing innovation and building partnerships between various entities of the food system, including manufacturers or producers;
reducing barriers for schools related to sourcing, ordering, processing, and/or storing locally-sourced foods and beverages;
supporting school nutrition teams in using fresh local ingredients, being responsive to student preferences and cultural relevance, and increasing scratch cooking;
leveraging social responsibility of food industry to address innovative solutions for the school food system; and
identifying sustainable solutions and best practices for the K-12 food system that are scalable and replicable.
Team Eligibility
Projects must be collaboratively administered by at least three partners, with one lead partner and at least two partner organizations. All partners should be involved in implementing the project. Teams must include at least one school food authority, and at least one partner from industry. Potential partners include:
School food authorities that operate the National School Lunch Program (required)
Food industry (required):
Food manufacturers or producers
Food processors
Food aggregators (e.g., food hubs)
Food distributors
Growers and producers (e.g., farms, orchards, ranches, fisheries)
Food support organizations, including food systems–focused nonprofits
Public sector agency (e.g., local, county, or state government agency or department)
Indian Tribal Organizations
Community-based organizations
Small businesses
Other food system partners
Request for Applications (RFA): https://projectscales.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/SCALES-RFA-Cohort-…
The Practice Grant seeks to open access and expand approaches to landscape design by funding individuals and groups committed to alternative practices. Grants are awarded to applicants developing land-based* work and are offered in support of applied research and realized projects. The Practice Grant aims to bridge the gap between often informal land-based methods and professional practice. The Practice Grant was initiated to encourage alternative forms of land-based practice by providing funding and a network of support and exchange to Grantees. To practice is to repeat, to do, to act. It encompasses action and embraces momentum.
The Practice Grant aims to expand ...
The community of landscape designers and builders by providing opportunity to individuals and groups currently excluded from professional practice.
The methods by which landscapes are built by investigating alternative approaches and techniques for design, construction, and management.
The temporal framework of landscape projects by prioritizing projects that work in sync with landscape time, in alignment with soil, air, water and plant cycles.
*Land-based includes any applied efforts that are tied to the land itself; from landscape architecture to ecology, planning, gardening, farming, arboriculture, and conservation.
Our primary selection criteria include a demonstration of feasibility, a clear method or practice, a committed client or partner, and an available project site. We are looking for applied research and design ideas that are "shovel ready" and need additional funding to be realized.
The Practice Grant is a project grant given in support of work defined in the proposal. We are not able to fund indirect costs including ongoing overhead and administration that support an organization’s general operation.
One of the primary objectives of the Practice Grant is to develop a more expansive and inclusive community of landscape designers, cultivators and builders by funding the work of individuals and groups currently outside of conventional professional practice. With this is mind, please reach out with any questions; we are happy to discuss your application and are open to considering substitutions to application requirements. We provide support through all phases, including the application.
To apply please download the application form above and submit the completed application to grant@practicelandscape.com
This is a funding opportunity for individuals in the landscape design field.
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) establishes an accelerated review/award process to support research to understand health outcomes related to an unexpected and/or time-sensitive event (e.g., emergent environmental threat; pandemic; change in local, state, or national policy; natural disaster). Applications in response to this FOA must demonstrate that the research proposed is time-sensitive and must be initiated with minimum delay due to a limited window of opportunity to collect baseline data, answer key research questions, and/or prospectively evaluate a new policy or program. This FOA is intended to support opportunities in which empirical study could only be available through expedited review and funding, necessitating a substantially shorter process than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle. The time from submission to award is expected to occur within 4-5 months. However, administrative requirements and other unforeseen circumstances may delay issuance dates beyond that timeline.
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) establishes an accelerated review/award process to support novel behavioral and social science research (BSSR) to understand health outcomes related to an unexpected and/or time-sensitive event. Applications in response to this FOA must demonstrate that the research proposed is time-sensitive and must be initiated with minimum delay due to a limited window of opportunity to collect baseline data, answer key research questions, and/or prospectively evaluate a new policy or program that will likely impact health-related behavior or health outcomes in a given population. In other words, the urgency of the public health problem being studied will not, on its own, be sufficient justification for time sensitivity.
This FOA is intended to support research and data collection for unanticipated real-world events (i.e., those that occur outside of a laboratory or other controlled setting for research purposes). These events inherently have limited windows of opportunity for planning and conducting rigorous research and data collection. It is critical that researchers maximize these learning opportunities to better inform health care and public health efforts, as well as policymakers.
Key Definitions for this FOA:
An event is a unique and often unanticipated issue that arises in a particular community/population, due to emerging environmental threats, other public health threats, disaster events, or policy changes.
Policy is broadly defined to include both formal public policies at local, state, and federal levels of government, and organizational level policies, such as those implemented by large organizations, worksites, or school districts.
Program is defined as a set of activities such as implementation of system-level interventions, tools, or guidelines initiated by governmental or other organizational bodies, within public or private entities in local, state, or federal jurisdictions.
Infrastructure changes are alterations to the built environment such as housing, roads and other aspects of transportation systems, retail environments, and building of parks or green spaces.
This FOA encourages partnerships and collaboration between researchers and the impacted community, which may include the following types of entities (as appropriate): community-based organizations, local and state governments, private or non-profit organizations, behavioral health or health care systems, individual health care providers, departments of health, community health clinics, juvenile or criminal justice settings, schools, child welfare systems, etc.
The distinguishing features of a responsive study are:
(1) The unpredictable and unanticipated nature of the research opportunity.
(2) The clear scientific value and feasibility of the study.
(3) A feasible plan for collection of baseline data and primary data collection (although use of existing data is allowed, a plan for collecting important and new data rapidly should be provided).
(4) A justification for why an expedited review and funding (substantially shorter than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle) are required in order for the scientific question(s) to be addressed and the research design to be implemented. Expected study methodologies may include, but are not limited to, interrupted time-series, difference-in-difference designs, regression discontinuity, or propensity scoring.
In situations where applications under this FOA focus on a particular locality (region, community, or other defined geographic area), note that findings should have the potential to be generalizable beyond the particular locality or population. Proposed studies should demonstrate the ability to inform the understanding of the impact of the event, policy, program or infrastructure change in the near-term. Applicants are encouraged to include secondary implementation related outcomes that could inform interpretation of outcomes for future researchers and decision-makers, such as unintended consequences or barriers and facilitators associated with implementation.
Applicants are also encouraged to review the NIH-led efforts that recommend research strategies for ensuring study rigor and reducing bias, such as including an appropriate comparison group where possible: NIH Pathways to Prevention (P2P) Workshop: Method for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity. Furthermore, attention should be paid to ongoing developments in strengthening causal inference from evaluation of these natural experiments or observational study designs. Considerable progress has been made on this topic in public health, econometrics, and diverse aspects of policy research.
This FOA will utilize a bi-phasic, milestone-driven R61/R33 mechanism, consisting of a R61 phase with developmental activities and a R33 phase with expanded activities designed to achieve the full research aims. The R61 phase will be up to one year, and will support developmental, exploratory research, Institutional Review Board approval for human subjects protection, further development of study partnerships, and the collection of baseline data. The R33 phase will build on this initial work for up to four years to include further development, application, follow-up data collection, or implementation as appropriate and relevant to the proposed research questions.
The application should articulate clear aims and objectives for each phase of the proposed research, with specific discussion of how results from the R61 phase will inform the R33 phase. In addition, applications must delineate explicit milestones for the R61 and R33 phases. A milestone is defined as a scheduled event in the project timeline that indicates completion of a project stage or activity. It is expected that baseline data collection will be conducted within six months of award, which should be included in the applicant’s submission of a project timeline and milestones. At the completion of the R61 phase, the Program Director (PD)/Principal Investigator (PI) will submit a report that includes the progress on each of the milestones and a clear description of how research during the R33 phase will be impacted by attainment of the R61 milestones. The IC program and other relevant staff will review the report and make recommendations on funding of the R33 grant based on two independent factors: 1) the preliminary research results and achievement of the milestones and 2) availability of funds and program priorities, irrespective of milestone achievements. Transition to the R33 phase is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Funding for the R33 phase is subject to availability of funds and program priorities, independent of milestone achievement. In addition, given the possibility for changes in policy or program implementation that are beyond the control of the grantee, grant awards may be terminated early if these changes limit the possibility to collect meaningful outcome data.
While applicants may propose to investigate time-sensitive opportunities outside the U.S., they must demonstrate within the application that all the proper logistics, human subjects concerns, and approvals, both domestic and international, can be addressed within the limited time frame outlined in this announcement. In addition, the applicant must demonstrate how information obtained from this study will have direct implications for US practice or policy.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant scientific contact(s) listed below to discuss whether their application would likely be responsive based on time-sensitivity four (4) weeks in advance of planned application.
Applications Not Responsive to this FOA
The following types of applications are not responsive to this FOA. Applications not responsive to this FOA will not be reviewed.
Applications that do not explicitly justify the time sensitivity of the proposed work, the urgent need for data collection, and the need for an expedited review timeline. Include this explanation in the Significance section of the application.
Applications that propose to use qualitative data exclusively (though mixed method approaches are encouraged).
Applications that propose to conduct analyses of existing data exclusively (unless allowed in IC-specific interests).
Applications aimed at addressing unanticipated needs or additional aims for an existing study (i.e., expansion of an existing study).
Applications proposing to use animals (e.g., pets, laboratory animals, or wildlife) as surrogates for human health or exposure.
Applications where the PD/PI of the evaluation study application is the Director and/or initiator of the policy, program, or infrastructure change that will be evaluated.
Applications that independently propose initiation and/or delivery of new policies or programs.
All responsive applications to this FOA will be subject to an accelerated review and award process. It is intended that eligible applications selected for funding will be awarded within 4-5 months of the application due date. However, administrative requirements and other unforeseen circumstances may delay issuance dates beyond that timeline.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NCI supports time-sensitive evaluation of programs, policies, and major events that concern aspects of cancer prevention and control including, but not limited to:
Evaluation of the effects of:
Laws, regulations, or policies that may influence cancer risk factors including use of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances, sun safety and indoor tanning, diet, physical activity, and sleep.
Changes to the built and natural environment involving factors such as housing, transportation infrastructure, food environment, parks and other green and blue spaces and the potential effect on cancer risk factors, exposure to environmental carcinogens, access to care, or other cancer-related health outcomes.
Emerging programs and policies related to cancer screening, diagnosis, vaccination (e.g., HPV), treatment, and survivorship.
New policies, programs, and practices in cancer care delivery related to standards of care, health insurance coverage, access to services, reimbursement, and other factors that influence delivery of cancer care services and its outcomes
The impact and response to public health emergencies or disasters (natural or man-made) on acute stress, allostatic load or other aspects of accumulated stress, or cancer-related care, including preventative, diagnostic, treatment, and survivorship care.
Natural and man-made disasters (e.g., chemical spills, fumes, weather events, and fires), and resulting environmental exposures on biomarkers, etiology, and healthcare delivery across the cancer control continuum.
Natural and man-made disasters (e.g., chemical spills, fumes, weather events, and fires), and resulting environmental exposures on biomarkers, etiology, and healthcare delivery across the cancer control continuum.
Proposals evaluating policy and program efforts and responses to major events from diverse sectors, including government, educational, non-profit, and commercial sectors are of interest.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NICHD has particular interest in research on time-sensitive events, policies, programs, or infrastructure changes on vulnerable populations falling within the NICHD scientific mission area, including infants, children, and adolescents and pregnant and post-partum people; individuals with physical and/or intellectual disabilities; and children who are unhoused or in foster care. The NICHD Strategic Plan outlines high priority areas for the Institute.
Examples of research questions include but are not limited to the following:
Understanding the short- and long-term impact of the time-sensitive event on child development outcomes, as well as family functioning.
The impact of climate/environmental changes on dietary patterns, food choices, and eating behaviors.
How changes in access to school lunch programs affect dietary patterns, food choices, and eating behaviors in children and their families.
The impact of the event and the concomitant public health response on the management of complex medical conditions, critical illness, and severe, life-threatening injuries in children.
The impact of the event on emergency medical services to children (EMSC) and the availability of these services during and after the event to affected children in low- to moderate- resourced communities.
Studies identifying and developing data sources, tools and resources needed to strengthen tracking, reporting and communication among systems of care for traumatized, injured and affected children during and after the unexpected event.
The impact of the event and the concomitant public health response on children and adults with physical and/or intellectual disabilities, and disparities in outcomes experienced by persons with disabilities compared to persons without disabilities.
Studies that examine how unexpected disruptions in access to therapies and special education services affect developmental, behavioral and functional outcomes in children and adults with disabilities.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services, including: 1) responses to sudden and severe emerging drug issues (e.g. the ability to look into a large and sudden spike in opioid or synthetic cannabinoid use/overdoses in a particular community); 2) responses to emerging marijuana trends and topics related to the shifting policy landscape, related to imminent policy change; 3) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive prescription drug abuse research opportunities (e.g., new state or local efforts); 4) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive medical system issues (e.g. opportunities to understand addiction services in the evolving health care system); 5) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive criminal or juvenile justice opportunities (e.g. new system and/or structural level changes) that relate to drug abuse and access and provision of health care service; 6) partnerships between researchers and state or local organizations to support the evaluation of new local policies, programs, or practices in response to public health emergencies (e.g., the opioid crisis); 7) research examining how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted drug markets and overdose risk; 8) research examining health outcomes associated with telehealth compared to in-person psychiatric care (e.g. risk of diversion/misuse, reduced treatment gap); 9) research examining the impact of the discontinuation of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision that was enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic on populations with substance use disorders, and 10) research to understand outcomes related to states receiving and implementing Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1115 waivers that allow Medicaid to pay for health care services in carceral settings.
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
The mission of NIMHD is to lead scientific research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities. NIMHD focuses on all aspects of health and health care for racial and ethnic minority populations in the U.S. and the full continuum of health disparity causes as well as the interrelation of these causes. NIMHD projects should include a focus on racial and ethnic minority populations (African Americans/Blacks, Latinos/Hispanics, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders) and or less privileged socioeconomic groups, Projects may also examine intersectionality of race or ethnic minority identity and/or low socioeconomic status with rurality and/or sexual and gender minority identity and/or disability condition. Comparison groups/populations may also be included as appropriate for the research questions posed. NIMHD encourages research projects that use approaches encompassing multiple domains of influence (e.g., biological, behavioral, sociocultural, environmental, physical environment, health system) and multiple levels of influence (e.g., individual, interpersonal, family, peer group, community, societal) to understand and address health disparities (see the NIMHD Research Framework, https://www.nimhd.nih.gov/about/overview/research-framework.html, for more information). Studies based outside the U.S. or its territories will not be supported by NIMHD under this FOA. Time-sensitive research that NIMHD is interested in supporting includes:
The effects of policy changes on health outcomes, and mechanisms of those health outcomes, in populations that experience health disparities, including: immigration policy, health care coverage, gun policy, police use-of-force policy, environmental regulations, prescribing practices, and vaccination requirements
The immediate and longer-term impact of natural disasters on the health of populations that experience health disparities (particularly through the lens of understanding how climate change is impacting health disparities)
Effects of changes to the built environment (e.g., greenspace, pedestrian walkways, bike paths) on health and health behaviors for populations that experience health disparities
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
NINR supports research to solve pressing health challenges and inform practice and policy - optimizing health and advancing health equity into the future. NINR discovers solutions to health challenges through the lenses of health equity, social determinants of health, population and community health, prevention and health promotion, and systems and models of care. Drawing on the strengths of nursing’s holistic, contextualized perspective, core values, and broad reach, NINR funds multilevel and cross-sectoral research that examines the factors that impact health across the many settings in which nurses work, including homes, schools, workplaces, clinics, justice settings, and the community. Observational, intervention, and implementation research are of interest to NINR.
Research is encouraged in the following areas:
Factors involved in a response to a time-sensitive event that affect health equity, including mechanisms involved.
Effects of social determinants of health on the response to and health effects resulting from a time-sensitive event.
Prevention and early detection of health effects of a time-sensitive event, including plans for health promotion during and following the event.
Examining clinical, organizational and/or policy changes to address health related needs during and following a time-sensitive event.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
NIAAA will support time-sensitive research in public health priority areas in alcohol and related substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services, including but not necessarily limited to:
time-sensitive research opportunities to study the effects of changes in alcohol-related policies, including effects on combined use of alcohol and other substances and evaluation of the implementation or effectiveness of policies, programs, or practices affecting alcohol-related behaviors and outcomes;
time-sensitive research opportunities to study changes in factors affecting access, delivery, or financing of health care services for alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related conditions;
time-sensitive research opportunities to study alcohol-related effects associated with sudden and severe events, such as natural disasters, acts of war, or epidemics;
time-sensitive research opportunities to study the effects on diversity, health equity, inclusion, or access of unanticipated events affecting alcohol-related behaviors and outcomes; and
time-sensitive research opportunities to inform state or local organizations of the alcohol-related consequences of new or changing policies, programs, or practices.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
NIAMS is interested in applications focused on evaluating time-sensitive natural experiments that concern populations with or at risk for development of NIAMS core-mission diseases (arthritic and other rheumatic, musculoskeletal, and skin disorders. Examples include, but are not limited to, time-sensitive natural experiments of changes to the neighborhood food and physical activity environments on the health of populations experiencing or at risk for NIAMS core-mission diseases. Studies among underserved, vulnerable, diverse and health disparities populations are encouraged.
Office of Disease Prevention (ODP)
The ODP is the lead office at the NIH responsible for assessing, facilitating, and stimulating research in disease prevention. In partnership with the 27 NIH Institutes and Centers, the ODP strives to increase the scope, quality, dissemination, and impact of NIH-supported prevention research. The ODP co-funds research that has strong implications for disease and injury prevention and health equity and that includes innovative and appropriate research design, measurement, and analysis methods. The ODP has a specific interest in projects that develop and/or test preventive interventions. Of particular interest is prevention research addressing leading causes and risk factors for premature morbidity and mortality, dissemination and implementation, and health disparities. The ODP does not award grants; therefore, applications must be relevant to the objectives of at least one of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (IC) listed in this announcement. Please contact the relevant IC Scientific/Research Contact(s) listed for questions regarding IC research priorities and funding. ODP only accepts co-funding requests from NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs). For additional information about ODP, please refer to the ODP Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2019 2023.
Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH)
ORWH works with the 27 NIH Institutes and Centers to advance rigorous research of relevance to women and individuals assigned female at birth. For this funding opportunity, ORWH is particularly interested in intersectional research into the health impacts of time-sensitive events, policies, programs, or infrastructure changes on women, including:
Impacts of policy changes on the health of women and people who can become pregnant (e.g., state abortion regulations, extensions to postpartum insurance coverage)
Impacts of policy changes that influence access to women's preventative health services (e.g., contraception, HPV vaccination, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP))
Gender-based violence following time-sensitive events (e.g., natural disasters; pandemics)
The Natural Hazards Center—with support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation—is issuing a special call for quick response research focused on health outcomes among groups disproportionately affected by climate-related disasters.
Climate-related disasters—such as wildfires, floods, extreme heat events, harmful algal blooms, and severe storms—pose significant health risks, particularly for populations already experiencing health challenges and other disparities. In the context of such disasters, there is much to be learned about health outcomes for disproportionately affected groups such as children, older adults, people with existing health conditions, people of color, and people experiencing homelessness.
This special call of the Quick Response Research Award program is designed to address gaps in knowledge by encouraging the ethical collection of perishable data and the rapid return of results through the publication of Quick Response Reports. Initial findings from these studies will inform the understanding of the health ramifications of climate-related disasters and potential protective health measures.
Award Details At-A-Glance
Available funds will support awards in the amount of $10,000 to $50,000 each. Single investigator and/or single discipline proposals are eligible for awards up to $10,000, while larger multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary teams and proposals with a strong solutions-focused convergence orientation will be eligible for up to $50,000.
The lead researcher must be from an academic institution based in a U.S. state, territory, or tribal nation. Other research co-leads, research assistants, or local collaborators do not have to be affiliated with a university or located in a U.S. state, territory, or tribal nation—they cannot, however, serve as the project research lead and primary award recipient.
Funds must be used to collect perishable, health-relevant data for events that occurred within 6 months or less of proposal submission.
The geographic focus of the research can be outside of the United States. However, authors must be able to demonstrate that the findings are applicable to a U.S. disaster context.
The 5-page, single-spaced proposals should follow the Quick Response Proposal Submission Guidelines.
A 20-page, double-spaced report summarizing project activities, findings, and actionable recommendations for health practitioners is due within 6 months of award activation.
Natural disaster being researched must have occurred in the previous 6 months or less upon submission.
The Clean Energy Careers for All (CEC4A) opportunity will support workforce development programming that broadens participation and engages individuals from many different groups within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in ways that promote interest in careers that support the nation’s transition to clean energy. Eligible participants are non-profit 501(c)(3) or non-lobbying 501(c)(6) educational organizations, including engineering, scientific, and technical societies that can reach across various levels of future workforce populations. CEC4A will provide up to 10 awards of ~$300,000 each.
The Clean Energy Careers for All Workforce Development Project (this Opportunity) addresses the need for a diverse American energy workforce by leveraging organizations that are qualified to reach a wide variety of communities - see DOE’s United States Energy & Employment Report 2024 (USEER). The stated mission of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is to:
accelerate the research, development, demonstration, and deployment of technologies and solutions to equitably transition America to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050, and
create good paying jobs for the American people that will allow the country to make the clean energy transition equitable for all.
EERE looks to support workforce development programming that inspires and develops the future personnel that it will take to improve the affordability, reliability, and integration of renewable energy technologies; increase the energy productivity of homes, buildings, and industries; and produce the research and development needed that will lead to more affordable, efficient, and clean transportation and sustainable fuels. Specifically, EERE is looking for effective ways to broaden participation and engage individuals from many different groups within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in ways that promote interest in careers that support the nation’s transition to clean energy.
This Opportunity was created in response to a recently released Request for Information (RFI) from EERE that sought input about its efforts to address the need for a diverse American energy workforce by leveraging organizations that are qualified to reach a wide variety of communities.
The objective of this Opportunity is to fund proposals from non-profit 501(c)(3) or non-lobbying 501(c)(6) organizations that are qualified to reach and best develop strategic programs that meet the need for a diverse American energy workforce. DOE is seeking non-profit educational organizations, including engineering, scientific, and technical societies that can reach across various levels of future workforce populations, including (but not limited to):
Undergraduates, including 2- year community colleges and 4- year institutions, minority and majority serving institutions
Graduate students, including minority and majority serving institutions
Alumni, including postbaccalaureates (postbacs), postdoctoral researchers (postdocs) and professionals
Formerly incarcerated or re-entering populations
This Opportunity is aimed at funding new programs, or the expansion of current programs, that promote the exposure to and inspiration to participants that will provide future growth of the clean energy workforce sector. Awarded projects should specifically support programming components such as (but not limited to):
Facilitating work-based learning opportunities (like internships, apprenticeships, or other job-based experiences) with industry partners;
Providing career coaching and mentorship (including soft skills development);
Enhancing education/curriculum development;
Providing career exposure (virtual exposure, or in-person visits) to stakeholder groups at multiple levels of the clean energy workforce pipeline
Projects are expected to be 9 months in length and can cover one or multiple programming components including those beyond the above list. Programming can cover multiple populations and can be in person, hybrid and/or virtual.
Programming should focus on clean energy careers in sectors including (but not limited to):
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Building Energy Efficiency & Decarbonization
Energy Storage
Grid Integration
Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization
Renewable Energy (Solar, Water, Geothermal, Wind)
Vehicles & e-Mobility
Proposals must provide thorough details about how program participants will be exposed to clean energy careers in a measurable manner.
EERE anticipates designating 7-10 awards of up to ~$300,000 each during Phase 1. Phase 1 awardees may have the opportunity to receive a Phase 2 award based on performance. Subject to availability of additional funds, there is potential for the top 3-5 teams to receive a portion of an additional $750,000. Decisions will be based on the program impact as measured against quantifiable metrics provided with the applications and the judgement of DOE reviewers.
Note that non-lobbying 501(c)(6) organizations are eligible.
The objective of the C-MAP solicitation is to provide funding and coordinated technical assistance to communities and microgrid development companies, supported by a wider community partnership and additional technical services. Through C-MAP and this solicitation, this project will enable collaboration with and between communities and provide needed funding and support for them to improve the operation, performance, and efficiency of their energy systems, at least partially by incorporating more locally available renewable energy and other innovative energy technologies into existing microgrid power systems. For additional details please see the attachmed documents.
Project description
The 2024 Community Microgrid Development Partnership Awards (C-MAP) is comprised
of four (4) different topic areas, as specified and further described in the Statement of
Work (Attachment 1), dated, October 2, 2024:
• Regional Microgrid Community Operations Assistance
• Regional Microgrid Community Development Assistance
• Microgrid Development
• Microgrid Transformation
Proposal submissions should address individual topic areas. Offerors may submit
separate proposals for multiple topic areas. Do not submit proposals that combine topic
areas. Communities or community groups may be part of multiple proposals.
Proposals will be used as a basis to develop a performance work statement which will
become Appendix A – Statement of Work (SOW) for each individual subcontract award.
C-MAP is focused on microgrid energy systems serving the needs of underserved and
Indigenous communities that are electrically isolated or are designed to operate
independently of the grid for prolonged periods of time. This solicitation uses the U.S.
Department of Energy definition of a microgrid as ‘‘a group of interconnected loads and
distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a
single controllable entity with respect to the grid. It can connect and disconnect from the
grid to operate in grid-connected or island mode” but to be eligible for an award from this
solicitation the microgrid (if primally designed to be grid-connected) is expected to operate
independently of an external grid for long periods of time.
The following types of U.S. based entities are eligible to participate as a prime
• Non-profit entities, including energy cooperatives; and
• State and local governmental entities; and
• Any federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and villages,
inclusive of any Alaska Native village or regional corporation as defined in or
established pursuant to the Alaska Native Settlement Act.
Additional criteria:
• From or directly representing specific underserved and indigenous communities in
remote, rural1 and islanded regions of Alaska, Hawai’i, and Tribal lands in the west
and mid-west.
• Proposals must identify at least one (1) area in the United States (including U.S.
territories) with a population of not more than 10,000 (using the 2020 Census
Bureau figures) that will benefit from the proposal. The identified area must be
either: (a) a city, town or other unincorporated municipality or (b) a Census
Designated Place (CDP) or similarly discreet and identifiable community that is not
located within an incorporated municipality.
• Intended to use certified, listed, or commercially available technology in any project
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce up to $28,500,000 in available grant funding for the High Road Training Partnerships 2024-25 Healthcare Grant Program (HRTP HC), a California Jobs First initiative.
This cycle of the HRTP initiative continues the agency’s commitment to advancing job quality, economic equity, and climate resilience for all Californians, with an existing portfolio that includes High Road investments. For more information about previously funded HRTP projects, please see the CWDB’s High Road Training Partnership Profiles webpage.
The High Road Training Partnerships Healthcare Grant Program will fund healthcare projects in three stages of project readiness: Planning and Development, Training Implementation, and Expanding.
Planning and Development- Award Range: up to $500,000 Grant Term: 18 months
Planning and Development Projects demonstrate commitment to the High Road model and will catalyze labor market interventions in regions and/or industries where no HRTP currently exists. These projects require funding to complete the work of project design, curriculum development, and/or partnership engagement, with the intent of achieving a Training Implementation status at a later point in time.
Training Implementation - Award Range: up to $3,000,000 Grant Term: 24 months
Training Implementation projects deliver training programs to achieve employment and/or career advancement outcomes for participants. These projects also model strategies for developing industry-based, worker-focused training partnerships, including, but not limited to labor management partnerships. While the focus of these projects is to implement training for participants, Training Implementation projects may also entail planning and development activities alongside required training components.
Expanding - Award Range: up to $5,000,000 Grant Term: 24 months
An Expanding project is an existing HRTP or industry partnership that can demonstrate its alignment with HRTP’s Essential Elements and is expanding the partnership and/or program scope. Expanding projects must: 1) show evidence of past success to inform their expansion, 2) have an existing partnership consisting of multiple employers including at least one worker organization, and 3) have at least one training provider.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
Business Individual Nonprofit Tribal Government
One entity will apply on behalf of the proposed partnership and assume the role of the lead applicant, or Fiscal Agent. Eligible Fiscal Agents, or organizations serving as the lead applicant on behalf of an HRTP project.
Eligible Geographies:
Matching Funding Requirement:
Expanding projects are required to leverage and/or match funding from a non-HRTP source at a 1:1 rate.
Reimbursement funding method. Cost-share required if applying for the Expanding Projects track.
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy is issuing this NOFO for a five-year cooperative
agreement to support the National Rural Health Information Clearinghouse Program.
The goal of the clearinghouse is to serve as a national central resource to anyone
looking to know more about rural health and serving rural communities. The
clearinghouse will provide information, data, tools, and news related to rural health to
support improving health care in rural areas.
The purpose of this program is to maintain and expand a national clearinghouse for
information on rural health that supports improving health care in rural areas,
including access to health care. The clearinghouse should build upon federally funded
resources that currently exist, and will serve as a primary resource for information,
opportunities, and tools related to rural health nationally.
Program requirements and expectations
FORHP is funding a cooperative agreement to one recipient to support the
dissemination of rural health information that is publicly and freely accessible in a
centralized repository maintained and expanded by the recipient. This program will be
a national resource for rural communities for improving health care. Over 60 million
Americans live in rural areas.[1] Rural Americans are often older, sicker, poorer, and
more likely to die prematurely than their urban counterparts.[2] [3] Access to health care
services is lower in rural areas, with many areas facing workforce shortages of essential
providers like doctors, dentists, and nurses, as well as many residents needing to travel
to reach a hospital or clinic.[3] Understanding the rural health landscape and the impact
of various interventions is crucial to informing efforts to reduce disparities between
rural and urban areas. Rural providers, policymakers, and the public need high-quality
information to understand what works in rural health care to improve outcomes in rural
communities nationwide.
This program will support rural providers, community leaders, and community
organizations in learning evolving best practices, and identifying national, state, and
local resources that may be available. It will share innovations developed by rural
community-based organizations that focus on health and health care. The program
also supports policy makers by creating a reliable source for rural-specific policy
information and analysis. To accomplish these goals and the broader purpose of
improving health care in rural areas, this program has three primary objectives:
• Disseminate a wide range of up-to-date rural health information to diverse
audiences nationally in a publicly and freely accessible manner.
• Identify and inform rural health providers and other interested parties of the latest
relevant rural health news and developments in real-time.
• Analyze and share best practices, innovations, and policy updates pertaining to
rural health care.
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