Opportunities for Funding
The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona is seeking applications for Innovative grants. Grant Cycle – June 3, 2024 through August 30, 2024. Awards will be announced by December 15, 2024. Grants will be awarded January 2025.
Every year the Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona funds Innovation Grants for projects up to $50,000 that are aligned with the Foundation Mission of Promoting Population Health and Community Wellness.
Collaboration and forging partnerships with other community organizations are key determinants in funding decisions.
The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona will kick off the Innovative Grant Cycle with a workshop that will provide full information regarding the goals of the cycle.
Application opens June 3, 2024.
It is declared policy of the legislature to provide for a coordinated effort for the restoration and conservation of the water resources of this state. The Arizona Water Protection Fund (AWPF) is a competitive state grant program that is designed to allow the people of Arizona to prosper while providing funding to interested parties for the development and implementation of measures to protect water of sufficient quality and quantity to maintain, enhance, and restore river and riparian resources throughout Arizona (including projects that benefit fish and wildlife that are dependent on these important resources), and measures to increase water availability and supply. The distribution of grant funds from the AWPF is authorized pursuant to A.R.S. § 45-2101 et seq. and is overseen by the Arizona Water Protection Fund Commission (Commission). The program is administered through the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR).
The AWPF supports projects that fit the following objectives to meet the program goals:
Provide identified and measurable benefits to the water resources of Arizona through broad-based local support.
Provide positive, effective examples for other similar projects.
Advance the field of water conservation knowledge in Arizona.
Increase public awareness of the function and value of riparian resources in Arizona.
Through this NOFO, HUD will select up to 25 communities, with a priority for communities with substantial rural populations in up to eight locations. This NOFO outlines the methodology HUD will follow to determine award amounts and to alert each community selected of the amount of money available to them through the YHDP. Subject to HUD's right to select lower scoring community selection applications under Section III.F.a, HUD will use the community scores under this NOFO along with the formula in Section II.C of this NOFO to select communities. The CoC's Collaborative Applicant is responsible for submitting the community selection application for this NOFO. Separate from this NOFO, technical assistance will be available to selected communities to assist them in analyzing community strengths and needs, developing a coordinated community plan (CCP), implementing the plan, and then engaging in a process of continuous quality improvement.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the availability of the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG)--Competitive Grant Program.The IHBG program is authorized under Title I of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996, as amended, (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.) (NAHASDA). Under the program, eligible Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) receive grants to carry out a range of affordable housing activities. Grant funds may be used to develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing in safe and healthy environments on Indian reservations and in other Indian areas and carry out other affordable housing activities. Grant funds must be used to primarily benefit low-income Indian families.The IHBG program is authorized by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.) with implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1000. Funding for this program is provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118-42, approved March 9, 2024), and any other authorities that may make additional funds available for award under this NOFO in the future.In January 2017, HUD released a study entitled, “Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas: A Report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs.” The study found that conditions for tribal households are substantially worse than other U.S. households, with overcrowding in tribal areas being especially severe. The study further found that between 2013-2015 alone, 68,000 new units were needed to help eliminate overcrowding and replace physically deteriorating units. Additional information is available at https://www.huduser.gov/portal/publications/HNAIHousingNeeds.html.The Department recognizes that this additional IHBG funding provides an opportunity to fund strong and viable affordable housing projects in Indian Country. These projects could begin to address the concerns identified in the study.In accordance with the Appropriations Act, HUD will give priority to projects that spur construction and rehabilitation of housing, while considering housing need and the recipient's administrative capacity. HUD strongly encourages new affordable housing construction projects that will increase the number of housing units available for low-income Indian families and help address the housing shortage in Indian Country. Additionally, HUD encourages housing rehabilitation projects that will increase the useful life of existing affordable housing units and alleviate substandard housing conditions. HUD also encourages the acquisition of existing housing units that increases housing stock and necessary affordable housing-related infrastructure projects that will enable future construction or rehabilitation.While HUD will give funding priority for new housing construction projects, housing rehabilitation projects, acquisition of existing housing units that increase affordable housing stock, and necessary affordable housing-related infrastructure projects, applicants may also apply for funding to carry out other eligible activities under NAHASDA.Finally, Indian tribes and TDHEs that are applying for funding under this NOFO are encouraged to propose projects that are part of a comprehensive plan to address housing conditions in their communities, including overcrowding, physically deteriorating units, and housing that is inaccessible for individuals with disabilities as appropriate. Applicants should also engage in long-term planning and ensure that the project being proposed is part of a holistic plan that considers planned future infrastructure development, economic development opportunities, and more.All applications received through this NOFO that pass initial application screening and threshold review will be rated. Funds will be awarded in rank order based on the score received on the application submitted under this NOFO. HUD reserves the right to issue a supplemental or independent NOFO if necessary (e.g., to ensure that all appropriated funds are awarded). Grantees must comply with the requirements of NAHASDA and 24 CFR part 1000.The Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) within HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing will administer this program.
The purpose of this notice is to solicit applications for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grants. Funds for the fiscal year (FY) 2024 SS4A grant program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to support planning and demonstration activities, as well as projects and strategies to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users, including pedestrians; bicyclists; public transportation, personal conveyance, and micro mobility users; motorists; and commercial vehicle operators.
Applicants must submit their applications via Valid Eval at https://usg.valideval.com/teams/usdot_ss4a_2024_implementation/signup for Implementation Grant applicants, and https://usg.valideval.com/teams/usdot_ss4a_2024_planning_demo/signup for Planning and Demonstration Grants. Do not submit your applications through Grants.Gov.
Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants have three deadlines:
•Thursday, April 4, 2024, 5:00 PM (EDT)
•Thursday, May 16, 2024, 5:00 PM (EDT)
•Thursday, August 29, 2024, 5:00 PM (EDT)
Implementation Grant applications must be submitted by 5:00 PM (EDT) on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted unless there is a technical issue directly caused by the online submission proposal system Valid Eval.
Two more application deadlines: May 16, 2024 & August 29, 2024.
The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications for the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program (CFI Program) established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” or “BIL”). In addition, funds under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program 10 percent set-aside (NEVI 10), also established by BIL, will also be awarded under this NOFO. Funding program sources, Fiscal Years (FY), and amounts available for award under this NOFO can be found in the NOFO. This NOFO also announces FHWA’s intention to make additional awards for applications submitted under FY 2022/2023 CFI Round 1 NOFO (693JJ323NF00004) issued March 14, 2023.
Webinars to share information about the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the CFI Program will be held on the following dates. Webinars are open to the public and registration is required.
Webinar 1: Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant NOFO Overview
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 2:00 - 3:00pm ET
Webinar 2: CFI NOFO Overview: Reconsideration of Round 1 Applications
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 1:00- 1:30pm ET
Research and Development funded under this Funding Opportunity Announcement will support the Department’s Clean Fuels & Products Shots initiative, which was established to support the national goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 by developing the sustainable feedstocks and conversion technologies necessary to produce crucial fuels, materials, and carbon-based products that are better for the environment than current petroleum-derived components. It aims to meet projected 2050 net-zero emissions demands for 100 percent of aviation fuel; 50 percent of maritime, rail, and off-road fuel; and 50 percent of carbon-based chemicals by using sustainable carbon resources.
This FOA aligns with DOE’s Office of Resource Sustainability’s Methane Emissions Mitigation and Quantification Program to minimize emissions of methane during production, processing, and transportation across the oil and natural gas industry, with the goal of eliminating methane emissions from carbon-based fuel supply chains by 2030. Effective methane emissions mitigation strategies are dependent upon accurate quantification of both intentional and fugitive emissions from all elements across the natural gas infrastructure, including low producing oil and gas wells. Therefore, there is a continual need to maintain a state-of-the-industry understanding methane emissions mitigation opportunities and operation performance, through collection of empirical data, across oil and natural gas production and delivery regions of the United States. This is to maximize the value of these efforts to the public with the goals of reducing GHG emissions and improving environmental health and engagement of the affected public, (largely in disadvantaged or frontline communities).
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO). The mission of AMMTO is: “We inspire people and drive innovation to transform materials and manufacturing for America's energy future.” This is in alignment with AMMTO’s vision for the future – a globally competitive U.S. manufacturing sector that accelerates the adoption of innovative materials and manufacturing technologies in support of a clean, decarbonized economy.
To realize a clean, decarbonized economy, we must drive innovation to transform resources, materials, and manufacturing for energy applications. The U.S. ramp up of production of technologies that are needed for this energy transition will require new materials, new manufacturing processes, and new circular materials flows.
The modernization of manufacturing can help bring these innovations on-line at the needed scale and quality faster. Among the most important trends to impact the manufacturing sector is the drive toward digitalization, which is the process of employing digital technologies and information to transform the manufacturing enterprise system and business operations across the total production lifecycle. Smart manufacturing provides a systemic approach for the digital transformation of manufacturing that holds great promise to significantly improve productivity, efficiency, safety, security, and sustainability of U.S. manufacturing and energy systems.
While there has been significant support of digitization innovation, the manufacturing sector has been relatively slow to adopt digital technologies. This is problematic as digital transformation—through its improvements in cost, quality, productivity, time to market, efficiency, safety, security, and sustainability—holds great promise to transform how we manufacture products and materials for our energy future.
Smart manufacturing refers to the suite of platform technologies that directly support the digital transformation of the manufacturing enterprise across the entire production lifecycle, which includes design, process, production, supply network, and enterprise levels. Platform technologies are manufacturing technologies that can be applied to manufacture multiple products. The digital transformation of manufacturing through smart manufacturing platform technologies would promote the development of cyberphysical systems (CPS) for manufacturing. A vision for CPS for manufacturing is the development of modular, interconnected systems that combine physical processes, computational resources, and networked communication to create a highly automated, efficient, and flexible manufacturing environment. In such systems, physical components (e.g., machinery, robots, sensors) would be interconnected with software and data networks, enabling real-time monitoring, control, and optimization of manufacturing processes. This would enable a host of significant capabilities including real-time data processing and feedback, advanced automation and control, enhanced flexibility and adaptability, and improved efficiency and quality.
Concept papers due 8/22/24
The Forest Service is seeking proposals to support Tribal access to emerging private markets for forest resilience or climate mitigation.
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