Partners for Places Grants

Funding Organization
The Funders Network
Funding Agency Type
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Hour of Application Deadline
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Eligibility. To be eligible, all applications must:
• Include at least these 3 partners: 1 Local Government Sustainability or Water Director, 1 Frontline Community Group, and 1 Place-Based Funder.
• Identify a source for the at least 50% cash match of the requested amount.
o A funding match of at least 50% of the Partners for Places request from at least 1 place-based funder is required for the implementation phase.
 Place-based funders must provide evidence of this match, by including either: (1) a signed grant letter or grant agreement; or (2) a signed letter showing a strong intention to approve the matching grant within three months, should Partners for Places approve the application for funding.
 It is fine to use a foundation that is already funding General Operations as a match. The foundation providing the match will need to provide a letter stating that they are fine with part of their funds going towards this match.
 In-kind support will not be counted toward the cash match. The local match may not be provided by a national funder that currently invests in Partners for Places.
• Be submitted by a City, County or a Frontline Community Group designated as a primary partner by the City or County via email. If the Frontline Community Group submits the application, the partnering City or County representative named in the application must be copied.
• Have no open general grants with Partners for Places. It is fine to have an open federal funding assistance grant, however.

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Funding Opportunity

Opportunity Overview. Partners for Places enhances local capacity to build equitable and sustainable communities in the United States and Canada. It does this through trust-based grantmaking that supports equitable collaborative partnerships. Partners for Places is hosted by The Funders Network (TFN).

Since 2012, this fund has supported 208 local projects. Lessons from completed work are posted on the Partners for Places Idea Bank. Successful applications can be shared with permission from the grantee. Contact Ashley Quintana if you are interested in any one community’s work.

Funds support the: (1) spreading of local Equitable Climate Action (ECA) and / or Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) practices; and (2) advancing of opportunities for local government, frontline communities, and place-based funders to build trusting partnerships and develop projects together. Each community partnership must signal its collective priorities and collaborative approaches in the application.

Round 22 Funding Description.
This opportunity requires partnerships between (1) a local government sustainability and / or water department, (2) a frontline community partner, and (3) a place-based funder.
• One-year grants ($45,000 - $100,000):
o Use a strong, existing partnership to plan or implement an ECA and / or GSI project that addresses frontline community priorities.
• Two-year grants ($75,000 - $150,000):
o Create or improve collaborative partnerships between a local government sustainability and / or water department, frontline community partner, and place-based funder.
 The budget must either allocate or indicate matching funds for partnership building in year 1 and include the engagement of a facilitator to integrate equity principles.
o Are for planning and / or implementing an ECA and / or GSI project that addresses community priorities.

Award Budget.
There is $863,834 USD available to award in Round 22 to support ~6-8 projects.
• A local foundation match of at least 50% is required. A local funder matching grant letter or grant agreement showing proof of the match must be received within 3 months of award notification.
• The grantee cannot regrant any portion of the award without written permission from TFN.

Partners for Places funds can be used for:
• Personnel costs related to the work, like supporting new local government interns or staff, new or existing staff supporting frontline communities, or consultant fees.
• Other project costs, like community stipends, supplies, administrative expenses, or small capital / equipment expenses directly related to the work.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is 501(c)(3) status required for nonprofits?
Is having a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from required?
Is a cost-share required?
Funding Period Notes
One or two year grants.
Additional Notes

Deadline to apply is 2/28/2025 at 11:59pm (in any timezone).