Financial Assistance Grant

Funding Organization
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation
Funding Agency Type
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply

Set forth below are the Eligibility Requirements for Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grant applicants. Grants generally range from $10,000 – $20,000 and are primarily awarded to organizations that serve Native Americans. Please take a moment to review these requirements before beginning the online grant application process:

Grants are not given to individuals.
The Foundation is restricted to making grants only to non-profit organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Online grant applications must be accompanied by proof of 501(c)(3) status. The nonprofit must be in good standing with the IRS.
Only organizations whose proposals fall within the charter mandate of the Foundation will be considered. The Foundation’s charter mandate encompasses the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States, including programs for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. The primary focus of the Foundation is to support specifically identified projects. Proposals for general operating support will not be considered.
A condition of grant approval is the pledge to furnish follow-up reports on the progress of the project and how the funding was used to meet the objectives and purposes of the applicant. If grant funding is not used for its intended purpose, the applicant will be required to return the funds to the Foundation.

When you begin the online application process, as a first step you’ll be asked if your organization meets the Eligibility Requirements above for your proposal to be considered by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation for grant assistance.

Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place

United States & Territories

Description of Funding Opportunity

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grants financial assistance to organizations that support the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States, including programs for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation will only consider proposals that fall within the above charter. Grants generally range from $10,000 – $20,000 and are primarily awarded to organizations that serve Native Americans in the following ways:

– Fulfilling people’s basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.) that contribute to happy, healthy, and thriving lives
– Implementing reservation-based projects that create long-term community benefits

– Programs explicitly designed to help Native American students continue and complete their education at all levels

Arts & Culture
– Native-driven programs and events that develop cultural wealth and build community connections
– Native-driven language and historic preservation initiatives

The SFNTC Foundation will not consider proposals for general operating expenses.

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation was formed in April of 1997, and its sole source of funding is Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc., which has made contributions to the Foundation every year since its formation. Past recipients of the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grant funds include: Afraid of Bear – American Horse Tiospaye; Albuquerque Museum Foundation; All Relations United; American Indian College Fund; Anishiaabe Agriculture Institute; Apache Language Consortium; Brave Heart Society; Center of Southwest Culture, Inc; Four Bridges Traveling Permaculture Institute; Gwch’in Social and Cultural Institute of Alaska; Indian Pueblo Cultural Center; Kayenta Arts Foundation; Koahnic Broadcast Corporation; New Mexico Film Foundation, and Northern Cheyenne Language Consortium.

Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?
Is a cost-share required?
Additional Notes

Grants are awarded on a quarterly basis: deadlines on February 15, May 15, August 15, November 15