Funding Organization
Environmental Protection Agency
Funding Agency Type
Federal Government
Deadline for Application/LOI/Concept Paper
Application is Ongoing/Rolling
Funding Minimum
Funding Maximum
Description of Entities Eligible to Apply
States, local, interstate, and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities; federally recognized Tribes; intertribal consortia; non profits as 501(c)(3)s
Categories of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
All of Region 9
Description of Eligible Locations for Activities to Take Place
United States & Territories
Description of Funding Opportunity
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Regions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 (the Regions) are issuing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to eligible entities to implement pollution prevention projects through the Source Reduction Assistance grant program. Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) grants can support research, investigation, experiments, surveys, studies, demonstration, education, and/or training using source reduction approaches (also known as “pollution prevention” or “P2”).
Is this a cooperative agreement?
Are these pre-allocated/non-competitive funds?