Eligible Applicants
One entity will apply on behalf of the proposed partnership and assume the role of the Lead Applicant or
Fiscal Agent. Eligible Fiscal Agents, or organizations serving as the lead applicant on behalf of an HRTP project,
include, but are not limited to:
• California Community College Districts
• California Department of Education – Local Educational Agencies
• California State Registered Apprenticeship Programs
• Community-based organizations and other non-profit organizations
• County social service agencies
• Industry-based intermediaries, including industry associations
• K-12 education entities and adult schools
• Labor organizations and labor-management partnerships
• Local workforce development boards
• Native American tribes and tribe-serving non-profit organizations
• Training providers
• Worker Centers/Worker’s Rights organizations
• Workforce intermediaries
To be eligible to serve as a Fiscal Agent for the HRTP HC grant program, non-profit organizations must:
• Be registered with the federal government pursuant to either Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)3,
(c)4, (c)6 or (c)10.
• Be registered in the State of California with the Department of Justice and appear in good standing on
their Registry of Charities and Fundraisers.
• If a nonprofit entity is excluded from registering with the Department of Justice, justification must be
provided with the application.
For-profit entities are not eligible to serve as Fiscal Agents.
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce up to $28,500,000 in available grant funding for the High Road Training Partnerships 2024-25 Healthcare Grant Program (HRTP HC), a California Jobs First initiative.
This cycle of the HRTP initiative continues the agency’s commitment to advancing job quality, economic equity, and climate resilience for all Californians, with an existing portfolio that includes High Road investments. For more information about previously funded HRTP projects, please see the CWDB’s High Road Training Partnership Profiles webpage.
The High Road Training Partnerships Healthcare Grant Program will fund healthcare projects in three stages of project readiness: Planning and Development, Training Implementation, and Expanding.
Planning and Development- Award Range: up to $500,000 Grant Term: 18 months
Planning and Development Projects demonstrate commitment to the High Road model and will catalyze labor market interventions in regions and/or industries where no HRTP currently exists. These projects require funding to complete the work of project design, curriculum development, and/or partnership engagement, with the intent of achieving a Training Implementation status at a later point in time.
Training Implementation - Award Range: up to $3,000,000 Grant Term: 24 months
Training Implementation projects deliver training programs to achieve employment and/or career advancement outcomes for participants. These projects also model strategies for developing industry-based, worker-focused training partnerships, including, but not limited to labor management partnerships. While the focus of these projects is to implement training for participants, Training Implementation projects may also entail planning and development activities alongside required training components.
Expanding - Award Range: up to $5,000,000 Grant Term: 24 months
An Expanding project is an existing HRTP or industry partnership that can demonstrate its alignment with HRTP’s Essential Elements and is expanding the partnership and/or program scope. Expanding projects must: 1) show evidence of past success to inform their expansion, 2) have an existing partnership consisting of multiple employers including at least one worker organization, and 3) have at least one training provider.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
Business Individual Nonprofit Tribal Government
One entity will apply on behalf of the proposed partnership and assume the role of the lead applicant, or Fiscal Agent. Eligible Fiscal Agents, or organizations serving as the lead applicant on behalf of an HRTP project.
Eligible Geographies:
Matching Funding Requirement:
Expanding projects are required to leverage and/or match funding from a non-HRTP source at a 1:1 rate.
Reimbursement funding method. Cost-share required if applying for the Expanding Projects track.