The lead applicants and members of the coalition eligible to receive a grant under the grant program must be—
• a U.S. State, including the District of Columbia;
• Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, and any agency or instrumentality thereof;
• a unit of local government as defined in the Local government provision of 2 CFR 200.1;
• an Indian Tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education
Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304));
• a Native Hawaiian organization (as defined in section 6207 of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7517));
• the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands;
• the Office of Hawaiian Affairs;
• a nonprofit organization; or
• a public-private partnership.
This funding opportunity under the Recycling Education and Outreach grant program aims to fund projects that will meet the following objectives and reduce GHGs:
Decrease wasted food from households (project #1);
Expand markets for and sales of compost (project #2); and
Inform the public about new or existing residential food waste composting programs; provide information about the materials that are accepted as part of a residential food waste composting program; and increase collection rates and decrease physical contamination in residential food waste composting programs (project #3).
Applications must include all three projects:
Project #1: Develop and Implement a National Consumer Wasted Food Reduction Campaign;
Project #2: Expand the Market and Sales of Compost; and
Project #3: Increase Education and Outreach to Households on Composting.
These projects should demonstrate how they will meet the objectives listed in Section I.D: Program
Vision and Goals.
The total amount of funding available under this funding opportunity is $39,094,000. The budget for project #1 must be no less than $30,000,000 and no more than $34,094,000, and the budgets for projects #2 and #3 combined must be no less than $5,000,000 and no more than $9,094,000 in total.
Applicants must demonstrate that they will subaward a portion of the total award funding to competitive campaign implementation subrecipients (see Section I.C: Key Definitions) to implement education and outreach locally for project #1 and #3, and they must plan to use a competitive process to select those subrecipients. Those competitive campaign implementation subrecipients could use the funds for staffing and local campaign implementation, including media planning and buying. Entities do not have to request a subaward from the grant recipient to implement campaigns locally, but some may wish to do so. For purposes of this NOFO, the subrecipients brought on by subawards to be part of the coalition that will administer the grant are referred to as “coalition member subrecipients” or “coalition members” to distinguish them from the subrecipients who receive subawards to implement education and outreach locally, who are referred to as “competitive campaign implementation subrecipients.” Coalition members would not be brought on via a competitive process.
Applicants must be applying in coalitions. EPA anticipates giving one award for all three project types; only one applicant will be awarded.