WHO IS eligible for support?
Activist/Organization has a track record of human rights work of at least 6 months
Threat is related to human rights work and has occurred in the past 3 months
Independent references can verify threat and applicant’s history of human rights activism
Request should not seek funds for core operations costs or programmatic expenses
Organizations can be informal or unregistered, including journalist associations, networks, community-based organizations, student groups, and labor unions
What is dignity for all?
The Dignity for All: LGBTQI+ Assistance Program is a consortium of six leading human rights and LGBTQI+ organizations that provides three short-term mechanisms to support LGBTQI+ movements: rapid-response financial assistance for individuals and CSOs under threat for their human rights work; project funding to CSOs/groups for time-sensitive initiatives; and safety and security trainings, including well-being and digital security. Dignity for All provides rapid response financial assistance to at-risk HRDs and CSOs to allow the continuation of their LGBTQI+ rights work. It supports short-term rapid response security, opportunity, and advocacy rapid response (SOAR) grants for CSOs/groups to counteract urgent threats and to take advantage of unexpected opportunities to advance the rights of LGBTQI+ people. Proactive security workshops and trainings including well-being support are available to assist organizations to continue their work more safely. We provide support in the following regions: Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
WHAT can rapid response FINANCIAL assistance GRANTS be used TO SUPPORT?
Dignity for All provides small, short-term emergency grants to activists and organizations threatened because of their human rights work. These grants can support:
Legal Representation
Prison Visits
Trial Monitoring
Temporary Relocation
Dependent Support
Equipment Replacement
Medical Expenses
What constitutes an emergency?
An emergency is an urgent need for assistance arising from threats to an HRD or CSO on the basis of their work on LGBTQI+ human rights. The threat needs to have occurred within the past 3 months. It can be a physical, virtual, or legal threat that is perpetrated by state actors, non-state actors, family, or community members.
WHO IS eligible for support?
Activist/Organization has a track record of human rights work of at least 6 months
Threat is related to human rights work and has occurred in the past 3 months
Independent references can verify threat and applicant’s history of human rights activism
Request should not seek funds for core operations costs or programmatic expenses
Organizations can be informal or unregistered, including journalist associations, networks, community-based organizations, student groups, and labor unions
HOW CAN YOU apply for rapid response financial assistance?
To apply, contact info@dignitylgbti.org and let us know how we can contact you securely before sending sensitive information. To apply by PGP/GPG encrypted email (recommended), please use our public key.
Applications are available in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.