Funding Opportunities

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State Governments

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Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
National Park Service
State governments

The LWCF State and Local Assistance Program was created by Congress in 1964 to assist in preserving, developing and assuring accessibility to present and future generations of U.S. citizens and visitors “such quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources as may be available and are necessary and desirable for individual active participation in such recreation and to strengthen the health and vitality of the citizens of the United States[.]" This is accomplished in part by authorizing and providing grants to states, and through states to local units of government and federally-recognized Indian tribes, for projects that will provide outdoor recreation opportunities to the public through the acquisition of lands and waters for parks and other outdoor recreation areas, as well as through the development of new, or the renovation of existing, outdoor recreation facilities.The LWCF State and Local Assistance program is operated by the National Park Service (NPS) in partnership with designated lead agencies in each of the 50 states as well as American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Congress allocates money from the LWCF for this program, which is then allocated to the states based on a legislative formula. To be eligible for LWCF grants, states must maintain an approved Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which must be updated at least once every five years. Among other things, SCORPs are used to assess the supply and demand for outdoor recreation resources and set priorities for the use of LWCF funds. In 2014, in coordination with Congress and the Secretary of the Interior, NPS created the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program, a competitive grant program administered under the authority of the LWCF Act. NPS designed the ORLP with input from Congressional Committee staff, the States, and other interested parties. As designed, the goal of the ORLP Program is to provide new or significantly improve recreation opportunities for disadvantaged communities in larger urbanized areas. With Congressional support, the NPS has funded and issued grants pursuant to the ORLP each year. ORLP grants are selected through an NPS-lead national competition following a solicitation and nomination by the States, and such grants do not count against State apportionments.

Nathan Cummings Grant
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

Over the last 34 years, NCF has awarded nearly half a billion dollars in funding to support movements, organizations, and individuals pursuing justice for people and the planet. We embrace a ‘totality of assets’ approach to impact, meaning we leverage the full power of the foundation’s financial and non-financial resources to support our partner’s solutions.

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants
Rural Utilities Service
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

Authorized by 7 U.S.C. 950aaa, the DLT Program provides financial assistance to enable and improve distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas. DLT grant funds support the use of telecommunications-enabled information, audio and video equipment, and related advanced technologies by students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents. These grants are intended to increase rural access to education, training, and health care resources that are otherwise unavailable or limited in scope.

The regulation for the DLT Program can be found at 7 CFR part 1734. All applicants should carefully review and prepare their applications according to instructions in the FY 2024 DLT Grant Program Application Guide (Application Guide) and program resources. This Application Guide will be made available here and on the program website at…. Expenses incurred in developing applications will be at the applicant’s own risk.

GFO-23-305 - Food Production Investment Program (FPIP) 2024
CA Energy Commission
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The program's goals are to accelerate the adoption of advanced energy efficiency, decarbonization, renewable energy technologies, and to support the electrical grid reliability. (Pub. Resources Code, §§ 25663 – 25663.6) The technologies to be funded by this Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) will help reduce energy costs, maintain product quantity and quality, and reduce GHG emissions associated with food production.

This program is open to all California food processors and related support facilities. All projects funded under FPIP must be located in California. Projects must also support electrical grid reliability, reduce GHG emissions, and further the purposes of AB 32 (Nunez, Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, Chapter 488, 2006) and SB 32 (Pavley, California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, Chapter 249, 2016).

IRA - Indigenous Engagement Program (IEP)
DOC NOAA - ERA Production
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The mission of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) Indigenous Engagement Program (IEP) is to facilitate collaboration with Indigenous Knowledge holders to develop bi-directional and parallel knowledge pathways to support climate-informed fisheries and ecosystem policies regionally and internationally. In addition, the IEP may support consortia that bring together Alaska Native community members to promote environmental monitoring and knowledge sharing workshops. For Fiscal Year 2024, NMFS anticipates that approximately $500,000 could be made available for projects that address Indigenous engagement as identified in the Program Priority Section (I.B.1 - I.B.3). An additional $250,000 in each of FY2025 and FY2026 could be made available as well for multiple year projects.

Buses and Bus Facilities Program
DOT/Federal Transit Administration
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $394 million in competitive grants under the Buses and Bus Facilities Program to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects, including replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing or leasing bus-related facilities. Synopses and full announcement will be posted on as opportunity FTA-2024-004-TPM-BUS. Proposals must be submitted electronically through website by 11:59 PM Eastern Time April 25, 2024.

Low- or No-Emission Program
DOT/Federal Transit Administration
Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $1.1 billion in competitive grants under the Low or No Emission Grant Program (Low-No Program) for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses, including acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities. Synopses and full announcement will be posted on as opportunity FTA-2024-003-TPM-LWNO. Proposals must be submitted electronically through website by 11:59 PM Eastern Time April 25, 2024.

Building Capacity to Increase Commercial Tobacco Cessation
Centers for Disease Control - NCCDPHP
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

Commercial tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. More than half of people who smoke attempt to quit each year, but fewer than one in ten succeed. Proven cessation treatments that include individual, group, and telephone cessation counseling, seven Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved cessation medications, and web and text based interventions exist, but are underutilized. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health is announcing the opportunity to apply for funds for a competitive, non-research cooperative agreement aimed at building the capacity of state and territorial tobacco control programs and their partners to translate the science of tobacco cessation into public health interventions. These interventions are aimed at increasing the number of people who make an attempt to quit using tobacco products and who succeed in quitting. Training and technical assistance delivered through this funding will prioritize interventions that reach population groups disproportionately impacted by tobacco use and cessation-related disparities and be provided around the three goal areas for tobacco control programs’ cessation activities described in the 2014 edition of CDC’s Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. These include 1) Promoting health systems change to integrate evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment into routine clinical care; 2) Improving insurance coverage of evidence-based cessation treatments and increasing use of these treatments; and 3) Supporting state quitline capacity. This funding opportunity is projected to have a 60-month (5-year) period of performance with five 12-month budget periods. Each award (3 awards) is projected to have a 12-month budget of $300,000.

Extreme Heat and Community Resilience Program
California Governor's Office of Planning and Research
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Educational institutions, Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

Extreme heat will impact every community in California and is a public health, climate resilience, and social equity problem. Climate change is causing more frequent and severe consecutive, unusually hot days and nights – known as extreme heat events. The effects of extreme heat vary widely across regions, communities, and even adjacent neighborhoods. Some areas accustomed to hot temperatures are experiencing very hot conditions while other areas that have been historically cool are experiencing warmer temperatures.

High Priority Prgram - Innovative Technology Deployment
DOT-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
State governments

The Department seeks to fund projects that advance the Departmental priorities of safety, equity, climate and sustainability, and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation as described in the USDOT Strategic Plan, Research, Development and Technology Strategic Plan, and in executive orders.