Funding Opportunities
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA, Pub. L. 117-169, August 16, 2022) established the Low Carbon Transportation Materials (LCTM) Program Title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 179), which provides funding for the use of construction materials that have substantially lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is requesting applications from State DOT as part of the LCTM Program. This RFA will result in the distribution of up to $1.2 billion, subject to the availability of funds. Funds made available for the LCTM Program will be awarded for the use of substantially lower carbon materials and products on construction projects funded under 23 U.S.C. and necessary work to identify appropriateness for use of these materials on eligible projects. This RFA describes the application requirements, selection, and evaluation factors.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Building Technologies Office (BTO) is issuing this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation (RECI). The current FOA represents the second installment in the RECI initiative, which maintains the same broad format, flexibility, and crosscutting areas of interest, while emphasizing and prioritizing specific gaps, needs, and opportunities to support building energy codes identified as focal points through the first RECI FOA and continued stakeholder engagement. The activities to be funded under the FOA support the BIL, as well as a broader government-wide approach to advance building codes and support their successful implementation. The primary focus centers around updating to more efficient building energy codes that save money for American homes and businesses, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and encourage more resilient buildings. This FOA includes one topic area broadly focused on the cost-effective implementation of updated energy codes.
The purpose of this solicitation is to fund projects that advance the demonstration and deployment of clean hydrogen production, storage, delivery, and end use in California.
The purpose of this solicitation is to fund an applied research and development project that will support research to assess the impact of consolidated packages of electrified retrofit measures on air quality and other related impact categories, including resilience to extreme heat, indoor comfort, and energy and cost savings in California homes.
Through this Request for Proposals (“RFP”), DOE is soliciting applications under Section 40106 of the IIJA for public-private partnership funding for projects “to connect an Isolated Microgrid to an existing transmission, transportation, or telecommunications infrastructure corridor located in Alaska, Hawaii, or a territory of the United States.” Consumers in Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories have unique electric transmission grid configurations, including the need to serve many communities’ electricity needs through microgrids. Strategic interconnection of these microgrids, to each other and/or to a larger operating transmission system, will help promote reliability and resilience and result in long-term cost reductions for these consumers. This RFP describes the application process and the information necessary for the Secretary to evaluate whether to enter into public-private partnerships with selected projects under this provision of Section 40106 of the IIJA.
Throughout its existence, the success of Union Pacific's business has been inextricably linked to the economic and community wellbeing of cities and towns across the nation. We take pride in the role we have played in helping communities thrive and believe the impact we can have on local communities is greatest when it is authentic to our history and reflective of the diverse company we are today. As such, we have carefully aligned our Local Grants cause areas to our company's unique heritage, strengths, and assets. Specifically, we prioritize funding for direct services and efforts that build the capacity of organizations focused on the following causes within our local operating communities. Within each focus area, we aim to support programs and organizations working to advance the diversity, equity and inclusion of underrepresented populations within the local context and issue areas addressed. Find more information about our commitment to DEI in our FAQs.
The EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is issuing this NOFO to announce the availability of funds and solicit applications from eligible entities to help ports nationwide transition to zero-emission (ZE) operations under the EPA’s Clean Ports Program. The EPA’s Clean Ports Program will fund ZE port equipment and infrastructure to reduce mobile source emissions (criteria pollutants, air toxics, and/or greenhouse gases) at United States ports, delivering cleaner air for communities across the country. The Clean Ports Program will also fund climate and air quality planning activities as part of a separate NOFO – including emissions inventories, strategy analysis, community engagement, and resiliency measure identification – that will build the capacity of port stakeholders to continue to reduce pollution and transition to ZE operations over time. This new funding opportunity, made possible by funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, builds on the EPA’s Ports Initiative, an ongoing program that helps our nation’s ports, a critical part of our infrastructure and supply chain, address public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities.
The EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is issuing this NOFO to announce the availability of funds and solicit applications from eligible entities to conduct climate and air quality planning activities under the EPA’s Clean Ports Program. The EPA’s Clean Ports Program will fund climate and air quality planning activities at United States ports – including emissions inventories, strategy analysis, community engagement, and resiliency measure identification – that will build the capacity of port stakeholders to continue to reduce pollution and transition to zero-emissions (ZE) operations over time. The Clean Ports Program will also fund ZE port equipment and infrastructure as part of a separate NOFO to reduce mobile source emissions (criteria pollutants, air toxics, and/or greenhouse gases) at United States ports, delivering cleaner air for communities across the country. This new funding opportunity, made possible by funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, builds on the EPA’s Ports Initiative, an ongoing program that helps our nation’s ports, a critical part of our infrastructure and supply chain, address public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities.
This is a competitive grant solicitation. The CEC announces the availability of up to $4,070,070 to provide grants to local governments.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a two-year competitive funding opportunity for awards to eligible entities to provide technical assistance (TA) to businesses to encourage the development and implementation of source reduction practices also known as pollution prevention or “P2”. EPA is requiring recipients to develop at least one P2 case study and one P2 success story during the grant period. A P2 case study should provide detailed technical information on one or two specific source reduction/P2 practices implemented by a business, and the benefits achieved, so that other P2 TA providers or interested businesses have enough technical information that they can learn from and replicate those P2 practices. A P2 case study should focus on P2 approaches that are new and not widely known or adopted and/or where the recipient believes detailed information on the project could support more widespread project replication. This funding opportunity is announced under the authority of the Pollution Prevention Act and is funded by Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
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