Throughout the year, engage in public decision-making on environmental and energy justice policies. Public participation allows individuals, groups and communities the opportunity to provide input in decisions that affect their lives.

Each year, 12 individuals will gain tailored capacity building, leadership training, peer learning and support through a cohort approach through regular online meetings (total 4 hours/month). Anyone working on environmental or energy justice issues in their community is encouraged to apply. Participants will be compensated $25/hour. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. For details and how to apply, please visit our Community Champions Program webpage.

Students will gain hands-on environmental and energy justice experience from a site in their community with the mentorship of a site supervisor. Students will be required to work a minimum of 180 hours. They can work full-time or part-time and remotely, as determined by the student and the site supervisor. We expect most students to complete their experience over a summer but they do have a year to complete after funds are distributed. Students will receive $5,000 for completion of the internship. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. For details and how to apply, please visit our Student Internship webpage.