Funding Opportunities

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Clean Energy Access Grant Account
Public Utilities Commission
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments

The Clean Energy Access Grant Account will award grants to CBOs & Tribal organizations to help facilitate access to & the adoption of clean energy programs in their respective communities. The CEA Grant Account will provide funding to develop equity initiatives & clean energy access opportunities that complement other CPUC programs.

The Clean Energy Access (CEA) Grant Account will award grants to CBOs and Tribal organizations to help facilitate access to and the adoption of clean energy programs in their respective communities. Specifically, the CEA Grant Account will provide funding to develop equity initiatives and clean energy access opportunities that complement other CPUC programs, including:

• Microgrid Incentive Program (MIP)

• Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)

• Technology and Equipment for Clean Heating (TECH) Initiative

At the community level, the grant program is designed to bridge gaps and connect people to clean energy access programs. Eligible activities may include:

• Community engagement

• Marketing, outreach and enrollment support

• Resource mapping and needs development

• Project design and development

• Capacity building and workforce development training

• Coordination with Existing Program Administrators

• Application and Implementation Technical Assistance

For example, funding from the CEA Grant Account could be used to:

• Conduct community outreach to gather necessary information for a microgrid project through the MIP.

• Conduct community outreach on the availability of SGIP and TECH to increase enrollment in underutilized communities.

• Improve awareness of training and workforce development opportunities for the TECH Initiative and provide financial or ancillary support to access these opportunities.

• Develop pathways to use TECH to achieve building decarbonization in disadvantaged communities.

• Hire technical assistance to support procuring a developer for a clean energy project through MIP or SGIP.

This grant will not pay for infrastructure buildout, such as hardware or equipment, but rather help facilitate the planning of projects as well as outreach to increase participation by underrepresented communities. CEA Grant Account eligible projects must be in an area served by a CPUC-regulated investor-owned utility for MIP supporting projects but may be statewide for the SGIP and TECH supporting projects.

It is important to note that grants from this account do not cover infrastructure build-outs, such as hardware or equipment.

To be eligible for these grants, proposed activities must be associated with the following CPUC programs: Microgrid Incentive Program (MIP), Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), and Technology and Equipment for Clean Heating (TECH) Program.

The CEA Grant Account and a maximum award amount of $500,000 per application

High Priority Prgram - Innovative Technology Deployment
DOT-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
State governments

The Department seeks to fund projects that advance the Departmental priorities of safety, equity, climate and sustainability, and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation as described in the USDOT Strategic Plan, Research, Development and Technology Strategic Plan, and in executive orders.

Strengthening Tribal Co-Management and Co-Stewardship
First Nations Development Institute
Tribal governments

The federal government has embarked upon an era of co-stewardship of public lands as directed by Joint Secretarial Order 3403 and other authorities. States have also launched new policies consistent with this approach. These efforts to restore tribal stewardship can help to advance ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation, and adaptation to climate change.

This grant will provide Tribes with resources to build necessary capacity to negotiate, implement, and monitor co-management and co-stewardship agreements with a federal agency. This includes legal expertise to support development of relevant agreements. The ultimate goal is to restore tribal stewardship, allowing Tribes to serve as anchors promoting greater ecological connectivity across the landscapes.

First Nations is now accepting applications under our Stewarding Native Lands program to support Tribal co-management and co-stewardship planning and related capacity building. First Nations expects to award 5 grants up to $75,000 each to eligible Tribes.

Fisheries Restoration Grant
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is pleased to announce funding opportunities under the 2024 Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) Proposal Solicitation Notice (Solicitation) for projects that lead to process-based restoration, enhancement, or protection of anadromous salmonid habitat.

Proposal applications will be accepted for the types of projects listed below, subject to the funding program criteria. Priority 1 Projects are those that restore, enhance, or protect salmonid habitat in anadromous watersheds through implementation or design projects that lead to implementation. Approximately 65% of the PCSRF grant award will fund Priority 1 Projects. Priority 2 projects are those that support implementation projects through watershed-scale planning and effectiveness monitoring. Funding support is based on availability. Priority 3 Projects are those that support implementation projects through planning, outreach, and/or education. Approximately 10% of the PCSRF grant award will fund Priority 3 Projects. Proposals for FRGP programmatic permit required effectiveness monitoring are ineligible.

Emergent Fund Rapid Response
Emergent Fund
Rolling / Ongoing
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs)

Emergent Fund Rapid Response Rolling, Monthly Grants Support…

Organizing that supports emergent strategies that help communities respond to time-sensitive, rapidly changing conditions. This includes resisting new or amplified threats, building power to move a proactive agenda, and creating communities and cultures of care

Organizing that leverages “moveable” or “pivotable” moments to disrupt, heal, and build towards long-term social justice and economic justice in a political and social climate that seeks to dismantle such efforts.

Organizing that explicitly seeks to dismantle, abolish, and replace systems of oppression and harm, driven by a clear intersectional power analysis and vision for collective liberation

Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The purpose of the grant is to issue up to $73,333,000 to support start-up costs for recycling programs, which shall be limited to recycling centers, mobile recycling, reverse vending machines, or bag drop programs. These funds are also available to existing recycling centers for the purpose of establishing mobile recycling to expand outreach.

Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE)
Employment Development Department
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The FAP TA DE PY 23-24 awardee will assist the FAP PY 23-24 program awardees with the continued development and refinement of projects that focus exclusively on farmworker needs at a regional level by offering essential skills and upskilling training to either advance in the agricultural industry and/or prepare for advancement outside of the agricultural sector.

Regional Source Reduction Assistance Grants
Environmental Protection Agency
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal non-government entities, Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Regions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 (the Regions) are issuing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to eligible entities to implement pollution prevention projects through the Source Reduction Assistance grant program. Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) grants can support research, investigation, experiments, surveys, studies, demonstration, education, and/or training using source reduction approaches (also known as “pollution prevention” or “P2”).

GFO-23-304 - Geothermal Energy Operations and Lithium Innovation (GEO/LI)
CA Energy Commission
Nonprofits / Community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal governments, Local governments, State governments, Other

The purpose of this solicitation is to fund projects that develop and demonstrate technologies to reduce impacts from scaling and corrosion at geothermal power plants in California or advance processes to enhance the recovery of lithium and other valuable minerals from geothermal brine at the Salton Sea geothermal field.

Young Investigator Awards
Prostate Cancer Foundation

PCF Young Investigator Awards will be three (3) years in duration and will provide $75,000 per year. The award funds may be used innovatively and flexibly to advance the career and research efforts of the awardee. This for example, includes funding “protected time” or direct costs for laboratory science. This award does not support indirect costs such as institutional overhead. Every PCF Young Investigator is required to be under the direct supervision of 1-3 mentors. Young Investigator awardees are required to attend the Annual PCF Scientific Retreat and Young Investigator Forum, typically held in October, throughout the duration of their award.

Research proposals addressing disparities in care experienced by patients with prostate cancer may focus on implementation research in various populations (e.g. urban vs rural, racial, geographic or financial) or in drivers of care and outcome disparities that could potentially be addressed through changes in policy, advocacy or education. Applicants are encouraged to solicit and integrate advice from patients, patient support groups or advocates. Letters of support demonstrating such relationships are recommended.