5-page fact-sheet on EPA's TAG program.
Grants Navigation Resources
Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program: Fact Sheet
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -
Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA)
Environmental Protection AgencyA webpage describing WaterTA, with webinars, news, and key resources.
EPA Indirect Costs Slides
Environmental Protection AgencyFrom 12/6/23 EPA webinar on indirect costs.
EPA Subaward Policy
Environmental Protection Agency22-page document detailing EPA's subaward policy. Includes definitions of key terms.
EPA Grantee Forms
Environmental Protection AgencyProvides forms for applicants, recipients, and fellowships.
Best Practice Guide for Procuring Services, Supplies, and Equipment Under EPA Assistance Agreements
Environmental Protection Agency27-page document detailing EPA's policies for grantees when procuring services/supplies/equipment.
Interim General Budget Development Guidance for Applicantsand Recipients fo EPA Financial Assistance
Environmental Protection Agency46-page document detailing how applicants and recipients of EPA financial assistance should develop a budget.
EPA Grants Indirect Costs: Helpful Links
Environmental Protection AgencyFrom 12/6/23 EPA webinar on indirect costs.
A Guide for Indirect Cost Rate Determination
Department of LaborA technical, 41-page PDF with checklists, common issues, and walkthrough of proposing indirect costs rates.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Subpart M-Grants for Technical Assistance
eCFRSection of the Code of Federal Regulations that lays out guidelines for technical assistance grants.
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