Jackie Spicer

Jackie Spicer Headshot
Organization Name and Title
Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition, Coalition Coordinator


Jackie Spicer (she/her) is lifelong Nevadan and serves as the Coalition Coordinator for the Nevada Environmental Justice Coalition (NEJC). Prior to this role, Jackie was NEJC's Climate Equity Policy Fellow where she led an extensive statewide listening project to understand climate impacts on frontline communities. She has experience as an organizer on electoral campaigns and with labor unions. In a volunteer capacity, Jackie used to be a Coordinator with the Sunrise Movement Las Vegas Hub and currently serves as a member of the Nevada Clean Energy Fund’s Solar for All Persistent Poverty Community Council.

Program of Participation
Community Champion

Engagement Photos

Jackie Spicer Engagerment Photo 1
Jackie Spicer Engagerment Photo 2
Jackie Spicer Engagerment Photo 3