Any individual or group with expertise in winegrape pest and disease research and/or outreach and has affiliation with a non-profit institution is eligible and encouraged to submit proposals. Funding preference will be given to projects deemed likely to lead to practical solutions to winegrape pest and disease problems in California. Multi-disciplinary team projects are encouraged.
Applications this year must be submitted through the website Unified Grant Management for Viticulture and Enology (UGMVE) linked above. This is the same web-based grant platform used by the program until two years ago, which also hosts several other grape research grant programs. Returning applicants who have used the UGMVE website in the past can log in with their past information. Applicants who have not used this website before will need to create an account. Note that account information associated with the AmpliFund system that was used the past two years has not been transferred to the UGMVE website.
Request for Proposals (RFP) Released December 1, 2024
Proposals Due January 31, 2025
Award Notifications Approximately May 15, 2025
Start Date for Grants July 1, 2025
The Pierce's Disease and Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Board (PD/GWSS Board) provides funding support to research and outreach projects focused on protecting vineyards, preventing the spread of pests and diseases, and delivering practical and sustainable solutions. The PD/GWSS Board accepts proposals for research and outreach projects on the following serious pests and diseases of winegrapes:
Pierce’s disease and its vectors, especially the glassy-winged sharpshooter
Brown marmorated stink bug
Grapevine fanleaf disease
Grapevine leafroll disease
Grapevine red blotch disease
Mealybug pests of winegrapes
Spotted lanternfly
The PD/GWSS Board’s Research and Outreach Program is funded by a special assessment paid by the California winegrape industry. Prior awards have ranged from $4,300 per year to $383,000 per year, with projects ranging from one to three years in duration.
Any individual or group with expertise in winegrape pest and disease research and/or outreach and has affiliation with a non-profit institution is eligible and encouraged to submit proposals. Funding preference will be given to projects deemed likely to lead to practical solutions to winegrape pest and disease problems in California. Multi-disciplinary team projects are encouraged. For more information about the program, see PD/GWSS Board’s Research & Outreach at Work for You. For questions about this grant program, contact
Prior awards have ranged from $4,300 per year to $383,000 per year, with projects ranging from one to three years in duration.