Nonprofits, public agencies, Tribal government
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is pleased to announce funding opportunities under the 2024 Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) Proposal Solicitation Notice (Solicitation) for projects that lead to process-based restoration, enhancement, or protection of anadromous salmonid habitat.
Proposal applications will be accepted for the types of projects listed below, subject to the funding program criteria. Priority 1 Projects are those that restore, enhance, or protect salmonid habitat in anadromous watersheds through implementation or design projects that lead to implementation. Approximately 65% of the PCSRF grant award will fund Priority 1 Projects. Priority 2 projects are those that support implementation projects through watershed-scale planning and effectiveness monitoring. Funding support is based on availability. Priority 3 Projects are those that support implementation projects through planning, outreach, and/or education. Approximately 10% of the PCSRF grant award will fund Priority 3 Projects. Proposals for FRGP programmatic permit required effectiveness monitoring are ineligible.